Geza Baranyai
fine art & ceramics

about me
my name is Geza, I am the founder of Gmcb.Art and designer/creator of every Art piece you can find on this page.
Creating visually interesting things with my hands has always been a passion and in early 2021 i took the risk to do exactly that full-time.
I am a trained massage therapist and worked as builder/stagehand on events all over Europe, so I guess working with my hands is just my thing...
Painting was always my main creative outlet, I stared ceramics as a change between long hours of focusing on small details on my paintings .
It was very refreshing to "finish" an artwork in one sitting - not over months, always waiting for layers of oil paint to dry. (well, now I do realize the process of ceramics is very similar :D at least clay drys over night, not weeks)
After a while my focus switched and now its the other way around - I spend all of my time in my studio working with clay and sometimes take a break with painting.
I am an introvert but if you ask me about something I am passionate about, I will talk all day with you - I love to share my passion with everybody and I get excited when somebody is passionate about the same thing.
This is one reason why you can find me on markets all over Austria.
Also I am passionate about art in general , nature and animals - mostly Cats and Monkeys, all things psychedlic and mysterious and Bananas !
about my work
Every piece is made 100% by my two hands - mostly wheel thrown, sometimes hand build but always entirely created in my studio in lower Austria. From carrying the clay to the workshop - over wedging, throwing, trimming, filling my kiln, glazing and finally selling - it´s all me.
All Gmcb.Art ceramics are fired to at least 1240°C which makes them extremely durable.
The glazes I use are mixed in my studio from mostly local materials as woodash from my woodstove and dirt from the local wineyards.
For the most part they are my own recipes or modifications of recipes i collected over time.
If you have any further questions about my products please send me an email.